
AI-Assisted Job Posting

Create detailed and engaging job descriptions effortlessly with our AI-powered job creation tools. Ensure your postings attract the right candidates with competitive salary suggestions and skill requirements.

Intelligent Screening and Shortlisting

Use AI to screen and rank candidates based on predefined criteria. Our system analyzes resumes, cover letters, and other candidate data to provide a comprehensive ranking.

Comprehensive Offer Management

Streamline offer management with AI-driven recommendations. Generate, approve, and track offer letters seamlessly, ensuring a smooth offer acceptance process.

In-Depth Reporting and Analytics

Gain insights into your hiring process with our AI-driven analytics. Track key metrics like time-to-fill, source effectiveness, and cost-per-hire to make informed decisions

Smart Resume Parsing

Automatically extract and categorize candidate information from resumes. Our advanced AI parsing technology supports various file formats and ensures accurate data extraction.

Interview Scheduling

Optimize interview scheduling with AI. Automatically find the best times for interviews based on availability and reduce scheduling conflicts across time zones.

Efficient Onboarding

Customize onboarding plans for new hires and track their progress. Our AI tools help create personalized onboarding experiences to ensure new employees are set up for success.

Multi-Channel Job Distribution

Maximize your job postings' reach with JobKite's Multi-Channel Job Distribution. Effortlessly publish job listings across various job boards, social media platforms, and your company career page with just one click. 

Great Product Analytics With Real Problems.

JobKite ATS offers powerful analytics to tackle real-world recruitment challenges. Track key metrics like time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and candidate sources to optimize your hiring strategy. Make informed decisions with data-driven insights to improve your recruitment outcomes.

Ready To Transform Your Hiring Process?​